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Epifania Amoo-Adare

Learning is not something that happens in parenthesis; something you bookend between your head, four walls, a class period, a school year, or some momentary academic career. Learning is (un)Learning; it’s (non)living, (un)becoming, and (dis)believing; it’s (un)ambiguous and (un)pronounceable; it’s as open ended as my thoughts flying off this page into your amorphous existence and far, far beyond, in both (and multiple) stretching directions from, through and back to me; it’s the (un)predictable, the (im)practical and the always (un)finished business called “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and even perhaps not more than yourself; it’s what makes “matters of concern” supersede yet encompass “matters of interest,” in some wild and contradictory (re)imagined (de+re)territoriality. (un)Learning is pain and then some; it wrenches us apart into free floating radicals, fractals seeking to (re)integrate into that transformative whole, who we already are but might not know it. (un)Learning is indistinguishable from the divinity within this joie de vivre, so replete with (un)certainty and the (un)known....

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